6 Practical Uses for ChatGPT and Blog Writing


The internet rarely agrees, and ChatGPT has united it. It’s changing how we produce content and how SEO will work.

ChatGPT will replace low-skilled writers. But the AI technology has one major drawback: it can only learn and replicate what already exists. 

The writers’ originality, expertise, discernment, and creativity make a piece remarkable and shareable– producing valuable digital assets. 

As you build your SEO strategy for your website, your content should be unique and written for humans.

But this doesn’t mean that ChatGPT can’t benefit us. 

Brands can combine ChatGPT and blog writing to provide a more streamlined approach. It can also serve as an idea generator to help spark creativity. 

Today, we can use ChatGPT to create powerful blog writing for your SEO strategy. 

Let’s dive in and discuss 6 practical uses for ChatGPT and blog writing that can help you get started.

While “AI Writing” interest has remained the same, according to Google Trends (February 2023), “ChatGPT” has skyrocketed since its inception in November 2022. - 6 Practical Uses for ChatGPT and Blog Writing
While “AI Writing” interest has remained the same, according to Google Trends (February 2023), “ChatGPT” has skyrocketed since its inception in November 2022. 

1. Your Virtual Assistant 

Remember when chat boxes were the craze? You could message your bank, and AI would lead you to predetermined answers and functions. 

Similarly, ChatGPT works as your personalized virtual assistant. 

For example, if you need a list of 10 synonyms for a term, you can ask AI, who will answer it in a few seconds. Or, if you want a definition, it can give you one immediately.

Most people see AI as a writer. But ChatGPT is a great information source that pulls your data with a single question.

In this example, we ask ChatGPT what AI writing is. It offers its definition of the term, giving us a unique perspective and original definition beyond the same top definitions we may find on Google. - 6 Practical Uses for ChatGPT and Blog Writing
In this example, we ask ChatGPT what AI writing is. It offers its definition of the term, giving us a unique perspective and original definition beyond the same top definitions we may find on Google. 

When you use ChatGPT for things like definitions or concepts, you get something that differs from the top page of Google. You can edit it and develop an original perspective. 

2. Outline Generator 

The problem with digital professionals is that we get more efficient as we gain experience. And the side effect is that we get less creative. Our outlines may have the same points every time and lean in a certain way or tone.

ChatGPT helps provide a different perspective. You can ask it to build its outline. Then, compare it with the one you have already developed. 

You can use the AI version to influence and adjust your expert outline. 

I submitted a request to build an outline for this article. While the article points to different benefits of AI writing, we can spot the first one in this response and how it matches one of our points here. 
I submitted a request to build an outline for this article. While the article points to different benefits of AI writing, we can spot the first one in this response and how it matches one of our points here. 

3. Rewriting in Different Voices

When we write, we should be hyper-tuned on tone. Is it positive or negative? Does it have good rhythm? We ask the right questions to avoid monotone, boring sentences. 

But sometimes we need a clean refresh. The best way we can do that is by asking AI to rewrite our work in another author’s voice.

For example, if I want more descriptive language and unique metaphors, I will ask to write in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s voice. 

If I want to simplify what I’m saying, I ask for Ernest Hemingway. We can experiment with Hemingway here:

A wordy sentence: 

I didn’t know why I got a bad grade on my exam so I talked to my professor as we walked on campus, hoping she would give me insight for my next test, and ultimately help me ace the course. 

Simplified version: 

I talked to my professor while we walked on campus. I flunked the exam and wanted to know why. I hoped the professor would give me tips for the next test and help me ace the course.

4. Training in Your Own Voice

Writer’s block isn’t an unknown sickness. It’s the gap between point A and point B– a problem with communication. And often, we don’t know how to express something in words. 

Sometimes we need help from ourselves. If we feed a few paragraphs to ChatGPT, we can ask it to use our voice when rewriting the following excerpt. 

This is a great method when you feel stuck. Maybe your paragraph sounds clunky, or it doesn’t sound natural. When you give ChatGPT your voice and allow it to rewrite the topic (or write original content), it will do it as if it is you. 

I used the paragraph above to use my writing style to describe a hot day.
I used the paragraph above to use my writing style to describe a hot day.

5. Creative Exercises

I recently listened to a radio program, and they randomly brought up ChatGPT and how it has permeated the mainstream. 

They had the robot write a funny love poem by a man with a small bladder. Some parts were funny, and others missed the mark. But it was a great example of using AI to open our creative minds. 

For example, you can practice with creative exercises if you are writing about a product and can’t get it to the “must-have” category. 

Let’s say we sell custom memes for small businesses in this case. It’s fun and could go viral, but it’s not generally understood as a pillar of essential marketing. 

So we try a prompt like having AI write an ad from the perspective and voice of someone buried alive. We want to tap into their energy and desperation for a solution. 



Write an ad about why small businesses should hire a Meme agency for their marketing strategy. It should focus on how it can expand their reach on social media due to digital word of mouth, using humor and relevant frustrations and emotions. Write it in the voice of someone who is buried alive.

When I got a response, it didn’t follow my prompt exactly. 

The buried alive reference was condensed into the introduction and used as the hook. But as a creative exercise, it painted a great mental image that someone could use in their inspired-version ad copy. 


Are you buried alive in the world of small business marketing? It can feel like you’re trapped in a deep hole, struggling to get noticed amidst the competition. But fear not, because there’s a way to dig yourself out and expand your reach on social media.

Introducing the Meme Agency – the ultimate solution for small businesses looking to make a big impact online. Our team of expert meme creators knows exactly how to tap into the digital word-of-mouth phenomenon and leverage humor and relevant frustrations and emotions to boost your brand visibility…


It’s imperfect, and you won’t get great results copying and pasting this ad excerpt. But we’ve already distilled some valuable ideas. 

We know we can use the buried-alive metaphor with a small business owner or manager that can’t bust the lid off of their reach limitations. 

It’s great because it taps into emotions tied to “I’ve already tried everything, and there is no way out,” so when we mention memes, there’s a 99% chance they’ve probably never tried this unique marketing approach. They may be open to listening for more information.

6. Metaphors

Metaphors are the hardest part of writing. 

Our societies and cultures are raised with the same mental images, sayings, comparisons, and common ways to express ourselves. So it makes sense when we want to write it. But using known metaphors makes us forgettable and loses readers’ interest. 

The best way to develop metaphors is by constantly experiencing and remembering your daily life. But that’s not easy, and you will have to sift through hundreds of bad metaphors before you get a good one. 

Great metaphors compare two things that often have little to do with each other. 

So a typical metaphor might be describing a color as  “white snow,” but an original and sticky metaphor is “spoiled milk”. We associate milk with white, but adding “spoiled” adds another layer of complexity and an entirely different mental image. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald did it better when describing apartment buildings in New York City:

“At 158th Street the cab stopped at one slice in a long white cake of apartment houses.” – The Great Gatsby

He brought together a slice of cake with apartments. Fitzgerald paints a mental image as good as watching it yourself in a movie. These original metaphors are not easy, and having AI helps change everything for writing. 

When you work with ChatGPT, I find doing half the job best. For example, think of two opposite things you want to compare and feed that to the AI. 

Let’s imagine we are writing about moving to the east coast of Spain near Alicante. We want to focus on traveling there by plane and then by train using the AVE (the speed train). 

So we decide to compare traveling from the USA to Spain with something unexpected. We’ll pick… “peeling a fragrant orange”. And since we’ve studied a metaphor by Fitzgerald, let’s write it in his voice.



Write one paragraph about moving to Alicante, Spain, specifically, traveling by plane and then by speed train from the USA. Compare the travel with peeling a fragrant orange. Write it in the voice of F. Scott Fitzgerald. 


As I prepared to leave the familiar shores of America for the sun-kissed coast of Alicante, I couldn’t help but think of the journey ahead as peeling a fragrant orange. 

First, the plane ride, a necessary but dull task, like removing the tough outer layer of the fruit. But then, the true delight awaited. 

The speed train from Madrid to Alicante was akin to peeling away the thin, colorful skin of the orange, revealing the juicy, sweet fruit within. The scenery outside the train window was a feast for the eyes, with vibrant vistas of lush countryside and towering mountains. 

Finally, as the train pulled into Alicante, I felt as though I had reached the succulent core of the orange, bursting with the fullness of Spanish culture and sunshine. 

Indeed, the journey to Alicante was a delectable treat for the senses, one that I will savor for years to come.


At first glance, we’re looking at a rough gem. There’s something there, but the response feels cheesy at times. 

But the AI reveals a valuable metaphor. 

The journey from the USA involves pealing a layer until we reach its core, revealing the fragrant, juicy, and delicious energy you’ll find at your destination in Spain. 

And to be candid, if I wanted to compare the travel to a fresh orange, it would’ve sounded cliche, like the feeling you get when you smell an orange right before you eat it. 

You can use ChatGPT to compare two unrelated things and paint a vivid picture of what you want to describe. 

ChatGPT and Blog Writing: The Future of Content

These are a few practical ways we can use ChatGPT for content writing to enrich our processes and help fuel our SEO strategy. We live in an exciting time and can use AI to improve our work.

ChatGPT can work side-by-side with your blog writing process.

Why Clio

We hope that found our 6 practical uses for ChatGPT and blog writing tips useful.

Clio Websites is a full-service website design and marketing company in Calgary. We have vast experience in responsive website design, website maintenance, WordPress development, and SEO. Clio offers free consultations and free website evaluations and we receive glowing reviews from our clients.

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About the author

John Paul Hernandez helps brands grow through content that engages customers and promotes them to action. You can find out more about him on his website or Twitter.

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